Author: Hopen111
Version: 1.0.0
Compatibility:    Works On Any Chrome Based Browser!  
Zip File Size: 11.6 KB
Full File Size:
11.7 KB
Code Languages:
JavaScript, JSON, HTML

Click the icon above to download the Back Arrow Chrome Extension!



After you have downloaded the extension, it should appear in your downloads folder.
To unzip the folder, right click and then click "Extract All..."
The unzipped folder should appear once extracted!

Next, go to your "Manage Extensions" page on your browser. Toggle "Developer Mode" on.
Once developer mode is on, a few more buttons should appear. You only need to click "Load unpacked".
Then, select the folder. If it doesn't load correctly, check if the extension is inside another folder such as:
Folder -> Folder -> images
Make sure that you select the folder that contains an "images" folder instead of just "Back Arrow Addon".

If it all works correctly, you should see this! (Don't worry about the error its fine)
Now if you visit any site page, an arrow should appear on the top left of every page!