

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eastern Signal Western Signal
Bell: ASC 3rd Gen E-Bell! N/A
Base: Safetran 5" Single Sided Safetran 5" Single Sided
Light Brackets: Safetran Safetran
Lights: 4 - 12"x24" Safetran w/ Electro-Tech LEDs 4 - 12"x24" Safetran w/ Electro-Tech LEDs
Gate Lights: 3 - NEG Clear LEDs 3 - NEG Clear LEDs
Gate Mechanism: Safetran 1990s Safetran 1990s
Gate Striping: Vertical Striping Vertical Striping

Pictures 1-22 were taken on February 27, 2023, by Hopen111.
The video was taken on September 10, 2023, by Hopen111.
Pictures 23-26 were taken on May 22, 2024, by Hopen111.
This crossing is located on the UP Mason City Subdivision.
Page created by Hopen111 (using HopenRXRTools 1.2.1).

Overview facing east (I forgot to get overview facing west).
2 3 4
5 6 7
8 9 10 11
The eastern signal. There is a working ASC bell here! I can also assure you that the gate light in picture 6 is not here anymore.
12 13 14
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The western signal.
The relay bungalow in the northeast quadrant. Equipment for the nearby automatic siding to the south.
The grade is all wood. Track view facing south towards NE 158th Ave. in Elkhart. To the north is 4th St.

23 24 25 26
On May 21, 2024, a tornado came VERY close to this crossing just southeast of Cambridge.
I came here to check out the damage done to the crossings. Luckily, this crossing was perfectly fine after the storm. It even still has an ASC bell!
Here's the long awaited overview facing west shot in picture 26!