




>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Northern Signal Southern Signal
Bell: WCH Mechanical 2nd Gen
WCH Mechanical 2nd Gen
Cantilever: Safetran
Lincoln Industries
Light Brackets: 3 - Safetran
1 - Harmon
2 - Progress Rail
Lights: 4 - 12"x24" WCH w/ WCH/Miller 1st Gen LEDs
5 - 12"x24" WCH w/ GS LEDs
1 - 12"x24" Progress Rail w/ WCH/Miller 1st Gen LEDs
2 - 12"x24" WCH w/ WCH/Miller 2nd Gen LEDs
4 - 12"x24" Harmon w/ Harmon Fading LEDs
6 - 12"x24" Progress Rail w/ Harmon Fading LEDs

Pictures 1-15 were taken on August 16, 2008, by Michael Gillson.

Pictures 16-47 were taken on July 29, 2024, by Hopen111.

This crossing is located on the IAIS Grimes Branch.

For a video of this crossing in 1992, click here.






The Northbound signal consists of Safetran 12"x20" incandescent lights and a Safetran mechanical bell on a Safetran cantilever.





The Southbound signal is identical to the Northbound signal.





The side track serves a nearby industry, at least it used to.
These appear to be manual signal controls for the side track. There's one on each side of the road.




Track view, facing Northwest.
I guess the intention of these is to get users of the bike trail to watch for trains.

A return visit in July 2024 by Hopen111 shows a lot of changes have happened since 2008.
The spur that went through this crossing has since gone OOS and is almost completely erased; however some renmants of it remain.
Blue DOT signs were also added and the grade has been replaced.

Overview facing north. Overview facing south. The northern advance warning sign.
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The northern signal. The Safetran bell and 2 tracks sign lasted here all the way until sometime between October 2022 and November 2023.
This means that for more than a decade, the now incorrect 2 tracks sign was still here long after the 2nd spur track was abandoned!
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The southern signal. This cantilever replaced the old one when IAIS moved the signal further to the active track when the spur was ripped up.
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The manual control on the western side still stands!
The industry is still doing pretty well (not).
The manual control on the eastern side has fallen.
The relay bungalow in the northwest quadrant. The grade is all concrete. This was installed between August 3-10, 2021. The entire crossing was closed while this happened.
Track view facing northwest towards Douglas Ave. Track view facing southeast towards Swanson Blvd. #2 in Clive.
I forgot to get a track view so I'm using a photo from November 21, 2023.
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The crossing in action! IAIS 702 leads a short train delivering lumber to the customer at the end of the line.