Pictures 1-9 were taken on April 13, 2024, by RailfanRXR.
This crossing is located on the former "Lower Road".
Page created by RailfanRXR (using HopenRXRTools 1.2.1).
I'm going to guess and say this was a bell-only crossing.
According to FRA reports, the first time they did this crossing was in
1970 when the Springfield Terminal Railway owned this, then it went to
MDOT, then the MC, then the Maine Eastern, then back to the MDOT, and
then they gave it up and now no one owns it.
Overview of a single pole facing west. |
5 |
6 |
7 |
The only signal, simply consisting of a clamp-style base, and a WRRS Mini bell, with a little relay box attached to the pole. |
Road view (formerly the
tracks) facing north towards Bridge Street, but since nothing is there
anymore, the next crossing I decided to document is Maple St. |
Road view facing south
towards Winthrop Street (in Augusta), but since nothing is there
anymore, the next crossing I decided to document is Winthrop St. in Hallowell. |