

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bell Only signal
Bell: Safetran Type 2 E-Bell

Pictures 1-26 were taken on May 4, 2024, by KCMO Railfan.
This crossing is located on the CPKC Mexico Subdivsion.
Page created by KCMO Railfan (using HopenRXRTools 1.2.1).

Overview facing north. Overview facing south.
3 4 5
Front view of the northern crossbuck

6 7 8

Rear views of the northern crossbuck.
The northern crossbuck.
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Front view of the southern crossbuck, and the bell only signal.
No idea what this box is for.
Update: It's actually a battery in case if the power grid goes out.

12 13 14

The Yield sign has some bullet holes that were shot through.
For some reason there are two ENS signs on this side for some unknown reason.
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Here's the second ENS sign which features the DOT number on it.
The lone bell here is a Safetran type 2. This bell replaced a mechanical bell at some point.
Close up shot of the bell only signal.
The bell only signal has a relay case attached to it.
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Rear views of the southern crossbuck.
Another view of the bell only signal.

The southern crossbuck.
The relay bungalow. The grade is all wood. Track view facing east. Track view facing west.