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West Chicago Updates

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 11:41 pm
by TommyBNSF
Andrew did report on new signals for the private road, but didn't mention that the west signal on the EJ&E Washington St. now has a Safetran type 3 e bell and it seems like the other US&S e bell is now silent. Also, Aurora St. is completely gone now. I guess CN didn't want a crossbuck crossing being a liability, and since it was a dead end cul de sac only serving a couple houses, CN must not have wanted to install brand new signals there either. Makes sense (even CN is known for being a huge waster.) Here is the satellite view now.

Re: West Chicago Updates

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 7:18 pm
by cabman701
It appears the US&S bell has been silent for awhile... this is at the very bottom of the Washington St page on the website:
The US&S electronic bell on the right signal is turned off! The other e-bell one works, and only sounds during activation to gates fully lowering, and again from gates rising to deactivation. Seems as though this was done on purpose. The right bell does work.