Freeport Road, Waring, GA

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Freeport Road, Waring, GA

Post by freebrickproductions » Mon Nov 18, 2024 12:35 pm

*originally recorded on 10-26-24*

Signal on the left: 2 pairs of Safetran 12x24 inch lights, 2 pairs of Safetran 12x20 inch lights, a Safetran gate mechanism, and NEG LED gate lights.
Signal on the right: 3 pairs of Safetran 12x20 inch lights, 1 pair of Safetran 12x24 inch lights, a General Signals Type 1 electronic bell, a Safetran gate mechanism, and NEG gate lights.

After catching 29A, I met-up with RaisedLetter again in Ringgold, GA, before we made our way back over to the Atlanta North for our next train of the day. I went over to this crossing where I saw there was a high clear for a northbound train. After a bit of waiting, I was able to get my seventh train of the day: NS 733 with an AC44C6M pulling on the head-end and two more AC44C6Ms working as the train's DPUs. Definitely a bit of an unusual lash-up for one of these Scherer coal trains.

This crossing is a rather neat one, which appears to have originally featured a pair of signals NS installed back in the early-90s. In the late-90s, however, NS replaced the bell here with the current GS Type 1 e-bell. Then, in the 2000s, both signals were replaced entirely, though NS chose to reuse the bell and half of the lights here onto the current signals, I believe swapping the backgrounds on the front pair of lights of the closer signal with the current 20 inch ones at the same time. Thankfully, since then, nothing else too major appears to have changed to this crossing, and I'm definitely glad to see the GS Type 1 e-bell is still here.
The closer signal definitely looks a bit strange, as the front lights are turned away from each other to act as an extra side light for both directions. I believe NS chose to do this because this side of the crossing is basically a T-intersection as well, so there's no road for them to be aimed at. It still looks a bit weird though. The bell here does still ring when the gates rise, however, which is always nice to see as well.
They/Them for me, please.

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