Big-ish Changes A'Comin'

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Big-ish Changes A'Comin'

Post by freebrickproductions » Wed Aug 04, 2021 7:05 pm

Y'all might've noticed the site got updated at the end of last month without much fanfare...
Well, that was mostly my fault, as I just simply ran out of time to get the last few bits of the update out, primarily updating the main and signal pages. Admittedly, I also had zero energy to do them either, as, even though it was a submissions update, updating those pages has gotten exceedingly tedious with just large modern updates tend to be. As such, Tommy and I bumped heads over Discord, and after getting approval from Gilson, we're changing how these updates are done.

So what's new?
Well, for starters, how the main and signal pages are designed, along with how the updates are posted. On the signals page, we're getting rid of the counts for each state/province, but leaving the day they were last updated, along with everything else on that page.

On the main page, we'll no longer be posting the stuff from each update, nor will the total pictures/videos/audio/crossing counts be listed. Instead, we'll have an array of pictures from across the site being displayed, that at least a few of which will get changed out with other pictures regularly, such as whenever the site is updated. We'll also display the date of the most recent update at the top of the page, where it's always been. Also instead of listing the information from the current update, we'll instead just repurpose the long-abandoned "What's New?" page link and redirect it to send people to the Website Updates forum. On the forum, whenever we do an update, we'll post a thread that lists what's in that update, but they'll no longer be numbered. Instead, we'll title them with the date that of the update in the format of "MM-DD-YY Update". So, for example, my next update will be titled "08-25-21 Update".
This change will make updates easier for us to do, and, as Tommy put it, "update as we go". There are also other small tweaks we're doing to the main page as a result, such as removing the "previous updates" list from the blue bar on the side.

Speaking of Tommy, he'll probably not be doing "monthly" updates anymore, but at the same time, you might start getting multiple updates a month from him at least during certain months. However, he'll no longer be taking submissions of crossings that aren't completed pages from the states that he does, but if you have made the pages, he'll still post them for ya.
On my end, I'm loosening up how I take completed submissions as well. If you get some pages finished and send them off to me, I'll try to make sure they're posted on the date that you want if possible.

Is there anything that's not changing?
Most everything else about the site and updates. The individual states/provinces and the cities/towns contained within will still keep the counts on their pages, so people can see how much is in each one. I also still plan on doing updates monthly when it comes to my own personal stuff, at least for the remainder of the year. Next year, I might start "updating as I go" as well, so monthly updates might become a thing of the past.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please leave them below and we'll try to address them! Thank you!
They/Them for me, please.

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Re: Big-ish Changes A'Comin'

Post by jff1999 » Fri Aug 06, 2021 1:02 pm

What about the 102 page? Will it get updated?
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Re: Big-ish Changes A'Comin'

Post by freebrickproductions » Fri Aug 06, 2021 3:03 pm

jff1999 wrote:
Fri Aug 06, 2021 1:02 pm
What about the 102 page? Will it get updated?
Hopefully eventually.
They/Them for me, please.

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Re: Big-ish Changes A'Comin'

Post by KCMO Railfan » Fri Aug 06, 2021 5:50 pm

What about pages 101 and 103? Will those get updated as well?
Proud owner of 7 mechanical bells along with a pair of safetran 12x20 lights and a 8 inch light. Been a fan of trains since I was little. Main place I railfan on, The Sedalia Sub.
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Re: Big-ish Changes A'Comin'

Post by freebrickproductions » Fri Aug 06, 2021 5:56 pm

Nascar Fan007 wrote:
Fri Aug 06, 2021 5:50 pm
What about pages 101 and 103? Will those get updated as well?
They/Them for me, please.

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Re: Big-ish Changes A'Comin'

Post by freebrickproductions » Tue Sep 14, 2021 3:12 pm

Finally got the new main page for the site posted! Check it out below!
They/Them for me, please.

Click here if you want to submit crossing photos to the site!

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